CCHA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 278, Yanceyville, NC 27379
- Annual membership dues are $25 (both individual and family)
- Mail your check or money order to CCHA, P.O. Box 278, Yanceyville, NC, 27379
- Include your name, US Postal address, telephone number (optional), and email address (optional but highly recommended)
- Make checks and money orders payable to: Caswell County Historical Association, Inc.
- Membership benefits include the CCHA Newsletter (published quarterly)
- Note that the mailing label for your CCHA Newsletter will show the year for which you last paid your CCHA dues
- You also may pay using PayPal
- Wednesday Through Friday (1PM-4PM)
- Other Times by Appointment (call (336) 694-4965)(During Opening Hours Shown Above)
- Or Email the CCHA
Volunteers Needed
Our great team of volunteers continues to work on museum exhibits to better display the many contributions received. However, we need more volunteers to help with this effort. Especially needed is assistance from those with a long-standing relationship with the county to help identify people in the many photographs that have been donated. If you are willing to help, telephone (or stop by) the museum during the times it is open (see above) or send an email: CCHA. We need your help to preserve our heritage.